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Lean Performance Improvement Lab: H C


Units: 6


This course provides an overview of the current state of the quality movement in Health Care. A public health perspective as well as an individual perspective will be considered from both a U.S. and international view. Relevant history, current gurus, landmark publications, theories, tools, and environmental factors will be discussed. We will explore the cost/quality connection and analyze the complex forces that shape or hinder the transformation of health care from the current state to a person centered quality focused Health Care System. We will learn to use industrial models to improve processes in the health care industry. The concepts and skills needed to create a work environment where these tools can be utilized will also be explored.

Learning Outcomes

Describe the current condition of health care from a global, national, local and individual perspective - Discuss the complex interrelationships among the factors affecting national, local, and global health - Discuss the history of the quality movement in health care including the contributions of significant publications and individuals - List the major regulatory agencies influencing health care quality and describe their contribution - Explain the complex forces influencing the current health care delivery system - Identify and utilize resources available to evaluate and improve quality in health care - Discuss definitions, theories, methods, tools, and systems commonly utilized in quality improvement efforts in health care and other industries - Identify the major barriers to improvement in health care quality and methods to overcome them - Formulate and implement an improvement project as team leader or team member - Utilize an A3 to solve a problem: - Define the problem and the business case - Utilize tools to clearly define and focus the need - Define a focus narrow enough to work - Define the actionable data collection needed - Clearly describe the current condition - Utilize observation skills - Draw the current condition utilizing process maps, diagrams and other tools - Add pertinent actionable data - Clearly describe the target condition - Make and implemented an action plan - Show rapid frequent problem solving cycles - Collect and display appropriate metrics - Show evidence of use of data to solve problem and use tools correctly to get to Target Condition - Show evidence of engagement of those doing the work in designing the work - Show evidence of reflection and learning - Demonstrate understanding of the rules of work design and show examples of application - Demonstrate knowledge of the 14 principles - Show understanding of the 5S process - Demonstrate ability to engage a team and teach the problem-solving method through example - Utilize and display data to demonstrate progress - Demonstrate understanding of basic coaching, change theory and teambuilding - Discuss the components of a healthy work environment and methods of measurement - Utilize an A3, a process map and a value stream maps to solve a problem - Discuss the patient safety movement in the context of performance improvement and quality - Discuss high reliability organizations and how it relates to patient safety and quality improvement - Show understanding of the effect of current policies, payment systems and regulatory agencies on quality