Internship Opportunity Fund
The Internship Opportunity Fund (IOF) is an organization that raises funds during the school year to assist Heinz College students with required internships during the summer that are non-paying or low-paying.
Are you a first-year student? Join the IOF!
Students who accept internships that do not qualify for funding under the Federal Work Study (FWS) program, either because the student does not have federal financial aid eligibility or because the employer and/or the job does not meet federal regulations for FWS eligibility, may apply to the Heinz College Internship Opportunity Fund (IOF) for consideration of awards to help support non-paying and low paying internships. Students are never eligible to receive both IOF and FWS funds to subsidize the same position.
The IOF is a student-run group that holds various fundraising activities throughout the year to raise money that will be matched by the College if the predetermined fundraising goal is met. All funds are then redistributed to students taking low-paying or unpaid summer internships. Students that actively participate in the fundraising and that have a demonstrated financial need, will receive preference on their applications when the funds are distributed. The IOF is open to students in all Heinz College programs who do not qualify for FWS and that have a required summer internship component, regardless of the employer's sector.
If you have any questions, please contact Annie Julian, the IOF Advisor.
Students: Sign up in CampusGroups!
How to Apply for IOF Funding
Students are eligible for IOF funding if:
- They are enrolled in a Heinz College program that requires a summer internship
- Their summer internship is non-paying or low paying
- Their summer internship does not pay through FCSWS or the student is not FCSWS eligible
- They are in good academic standing (GPA=3.0 or higher) and have no academic integrity infractions
- Their internship is approved by the Career Services office
The average IOF awards are between $500 and $4,000.
The 2023-2024 IOF Application will be available in the Spring 2024 semester. The application is live starting in January 2024 and will close April 24, 2024. The link will be posted in CampusGroups.
- Late or incomplete applications will not be considered
- You do not need to have a confirmed internship by this date (see application for details)
- Application will require:
- A copy of your résumé
- A one- page explanation of why this internship is important to you and your career goals
- A budget that includes an explanation of need
- Information about your participation in the IOF (including hours worked)