Silvia Borzutzky, “Chile: Political Democracy and Economic Inequality”, Oxford Encyclopedia of Latin American Politics, April 2020
Silvia Borzutzky, “You Win Some, You Lose Some: Pension Reform in Bachelet’s First and Second Administrations”, Journal of Politics of Latin America, July 2019, Vol 11 (2) (
Silvia Borzutzky, “Privatizing or Annihilating Social Security: What the United States Can Learn from Chile's Privatization”, in Max Skidmore and Biko Koening, editors, Anti-Poverty Measures in America: Scientism and other Obstacles, Westphalia Press, 2019 (The book is based on the papers presented at the panel, also published in the Special Issue of Poverty and Public Policy, see below)
Silvia Borzutzky, “Privatizing or Annihilating Social Security: What the U.S. can learn from Chile’s Privatization?” Poverty and Public Policy Journal, Vol 10, Issue 4, December 2018, Special Issue,
Silvia Borzutzky, “Chile: Political Economy”, Handbook of Latin American Studies, University of Texas Press, 2019, Vol 73,
Silvia Borzutzky, “Chile: Political Economy”, Handbook of Latin American Studies, No 72, University of Texas Press, 2018, Vol 72 pp. 455-457
Silvia Borzutzky, “Chile: Political Economy”, Handbook of Latin American Studies, No 71, University of Texas Press, 2016, pp. 457-462
Silvia Borzutzky and Mark Hyde, “Chile's Private Pension System at 35: Impact and Lessons”, Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, Vol. 32, Issue 12016
S. Borzutzky and M. Hyde, “A Just Retirement Future for Chilean Workers: Social Insurance or Private Savings?”, Brooks World Poverty Institute, University of Manchester, WP , 214/2015,
M. Hyde and S. Borzutzky, “Chile’s “Neoliberal” Retirement System? Concentration, Competition and Economic Predation in Private Pensions”, Poverty and Public Policy Journal, Vol 7, Issue 2, June 2015,;jsessionid=493D59818A66DCD71C47DA8917839F7A.f03t01
Borzutzky, S and Hyde, M, “Chile’s Social Welfare System: An analysis of the Role of the State and the Market in Health and Pensions” in Christian Aspalter, ed., Routledge Research Companion on Welfare State Systems, 2016
Borzutzky, S and Sanhueza, C., “Multi-dimensional Poverty and the Concertación’s Chile Solidario, in K. Sehnbruch and P. Siavelis, eds., Chile Under the Concertación, Kirsten Sehnbuch and Peter Siavelis, eds., 2014
Borzutzky, S., “Pension Market Failure in Chile: Foundations, Analysis and Policy Reforms” in The Private Provision of Pensions: Risks and Opportunities, Special Issue, Journal of Comparative Social Welfare, Guest Editors: Mark Hyde, Jonathan Moizer and Sue Farrar, Forthcoming 2011
Borzutzky, S., “Reforming the Reform” in the special issue of the Journal of Policy Practice, R. Hoefer and J. Midgley eds., Forthcoming 2011
Borzutzky, S. and Madden E., “Markets Awash: The Privatization of Chilean Water Markets”, The Journal of International Development, 2011
Silvestre, G. and Borzutzky, S. “Contradictions and Absences: The Case of Instructional Leadership in Chile” Pacific Rim Studies Journal, Forthcoming, 2011
Ogrodnik, C and Borzutzky, S. “Women Under Attack: Violence and Poverty in Guatemala” Journal of International Women’s Studies, Vol. 12, No1, Jan 2011 [ LINK ]
Borzutzky, S. and Berger, D., “Dammed if you do and Dammed if you don’t: The Eisenhower Administration and the Aswan Dam Decision” Middle East Journal, Vol. 64, No1, 2010 [ LINK ]
Borzutzky, S. “Anti-Poverty Policies in Chile: A Preliminary Analysis of the Chile Solidario Program” Poverty and Public Policy: A Global Journal of Social Security, Income Aid and Welfare, Vol.1, No1, 2009 [ LINK ]
Borzutzky, S and Zwart, B. “Another Version of the Same Story: Is the 2009 Constitutional going to Make a Difference”, The Latin Americanist, Vol. 53, Issue 4, 2009 [ LINK ]
Borzutzky, S. and Weeks, Gregory, “Introduction” in Borzutzky, S. and Weeks, G. The Bachelet Government: Conflict and Consensus in Post-Pinochet Chile, University Press of Florida, 2010
Borzutzky, S., “Socioeconomic Policies: Taming the Market in a Globalized Economy” in Borzutzky, S and Weeks, G., The Bachelet Government: Conflict and Consensus in Post-, Pinochet Chile, University Press of Florida, 2010
Borzutzky, S. “Market Failure in Chile: Foundations, Analysis and Policy Reforms” in Mark Hyde and John Dixon eds., Social Security: Market, State and Associations in Retirement Provisions, Edwin Mellen Press, 2008
Borzutzky, S., “Health in Chile: Is the Government doing everything it can to Achieve Social Justice” in International Health Law: Solidarity and Justice in Health Care, edited by A.P. den Exter, Maklu, 2008
Borzutzky, S. “Chile: Social Security Privatization, Economic Development and Inequality” in James Midgley and Kwong-leung Tang eds., Social Security, the Economy and Development, Palgrave MacMillan, 2008
Borzutzky, S. “The Politics of Impunity”, Latin American Research Review, Vol. 42, No 1, 2007 [ LINK ]
Axelrod Robert and Borzutzky S, “NATO and Terrorism”, Review of International Organizations, 2006
Borzutzky, S. “The Chilean Model: Myths and Truths of a Fully Funded System” in John Dixon et. al. in The Privatization of Mandatory Income Protection: International Perspectives, Edwin Mellon Press, 2006
Borzutzky, S. “Karl Polanyi,” in Tony Fitzpatrick et al. Encyclopedia of Social Policy, 2006
Borzutzky, S. “Social Security Systems: South America” in Tony Fitzpatrick et al. Encyclopedia of Social Policy, 2006.
Borzutzky, S. “The State and the Market: Confrontation or Cooperation? Social Security and Health Policies, 1989-2004” in Borzutzky, S. and Hecht Oppenheim, L. After Pinochet: The Chilean Road to Democracy and the Market, 1990-2004, University of Florida Press, 2006
Hecht Oppenheim, L. and Borzutzky, S. “Introduction” in Borzutzky, S and Hecht Oppenheim, L. After Pinochet: The Chilean Road to Democracy and the Market, 1990-2004, University of Florida Press, 2006
Borzutzky, S. “From Chicago to Santiago: Neoliberalism and Social Security Privatization in Chile” Governance, Vol. 18, No 4, October 2005
Borzutzky, S, and Kranidis, E., “The Evolution of the Polish Agricultural Sector: From Communist Rule to EU Accession” East European Politics and Society, Vol. 19, No 4, 2005