Snodgrass, G. Matthew, Blokland, Arjan, Haviland, Amelia M., Nieuwbeerta, Paul, Nagin, Daniel S. “Does the Time Cause the Crime? An Examination of the Relationship Between Time Served and Reoffending.” Criminology (forthcoming, 2011).
Haviland, Amelia M., Jones, Bobby L., Nagin, Daniel S. “Group-Based Trajectory Modeling Extended to Account for Non-Random Subject Attrition”, Sociological Methods & Research (forthcoming, 2011).
MacDonald, John M., Brame, Robert, Haviland, Amelia M., Morral, Andrew R. “Assessing the Effect of Community-Based Substance Use Treatment on Dimensions of Criminal Involvement,” Journal of Experimental Criminology (forthcoming, 2011).
Amelia M. Haviland, Neeraj Sood, Roland D. McDevitt, and M. Susan Marquis (2011) The Effects of Consumer-Directed Health Plans on Episodes of Health Care,” Forum for Health Economics & Policy, 14(2) (Health Policy), Article 9.
Beeuwkes-Buntin, Melinda, Haviland, Amelia M., McDevitt, Roland, Sood, Neeraj. (2011) “Healthcare Spending and Preventive Care in High-Deductible and Consumer-Directed Health Plans,” American Journal of Managed Care, 17(3):222-230.
Elliott, Marc N., Haviland, Amelia M., Orr, Nate, Hambarsoomian, Katrin, Cleary, Paul D. (2011) “How Do the Experiences of Medicare Beneficiary Subgroups Differ Between Managed Care and Original Medicare?” Health Services Research Journal, DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2011.01245.x , [Epub Feb 2011].
Haviland, Amelia, M., Elliott, Marc N., Hambarsoomian, Katrin, Lurie, Nicole. (2011) “Immunization Disparities by Hispanic Ethnicity and Language Preference,” Archives of Internal Medicine, 171(2):158-165.
Heller, Amy, Elliott, Marc N., Haviland, Amelia M., Klein, David J., Kanouse, David E. (2009). “Patient Activation Status as a Predictor of Patient Experience among Medicare Beneficiaries,” Medical Care, 47(8):850-857.
Ramchand, Rajeev, MacDonald, John M., Haviland, Amelia M., Morral, Andrew R. (2009). “A Developmental Approach for Measuring the Severity of Crimes,” Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 25:129-153.
Elliott, Marc N., Haviland, Amelia M., Kanouse, David E., Hambarsoomian, Katrin, Hays, Ron D. (2009). “Adjusting for Subgroup Differences in Extreme Response Tendency in Ratings of Health Care: Impact on Disparity Estimates,” Health Services Research Journal, 44(2):542-561.
Greenberg, Michael, Haviland, Amelia M., Yu, Hao, Farley, Donna O. (2008). “Safety Outcomes in the United States: Trends and Challenges in Measurement,” Health Services Research, Patient Safety Evaluation Special Issue, 44(2p2):739-755.
Dausey, David J., Chandra, Anita, Schaefer, Agnes G., Bahney, Benjamin, Haviland, Amelia M., Zakowski, Sarah, Lurie, Nicole. (2008). “Measuring the Performance of Telephone-Based Disease Surveillance,” American Journal of Public Health, 98(9):1706-1711.
Haviland, Amelia M., Nagin, Daniel S., Rosenbaum, Paul, Tremblay, Richard. (2008). “Combining Group-Based Trajectory Modeling and Propensity Score Matching for Causal Inferences in Nonexperimental Longitudinal Data,” Developmental Psychology, 44(2):422-436.
Black, Dan, Haviland, Amelia M., Sanders, Seth, Taylor, Lowell. (2008). “Gender Wage Disparities among the Highly Educated,” Journal of Human Resources, 43(2):630-659.
Elliott, Marc N., Haviland, Amelia M. (2007). “Use of a Web-based Convenience Sample to Supplement a Probability Sample,” Survey Methodology, 33(2):211-215.
Haviland, Amelia M., Nagin, Daniel S., Rosenbaum, Paul. (2007). “Combining Propensity Score Matching and Group-Based Trajectory Analysis in an Observational Study,” Psychological Methods, 12(3):247-267.
Haviland, Amelia M., Nagin, Daniel S. (2007). “Using group-based trajectory modeling in conjunction with propensity scores to improve balance,” Journal of Experimental Criminology, 3:65-82.
Apel, Robert, Brame, Robert, Bushway, Shawn, Haviland, Amelia, M., Nagin, Daniel S., Paternoster. (2007). “Unpacking the Relationship Between Adolescent Employment and Antisocial Behavior: A Matched Samples Comparison,” Criminology, 45(1):67-97 .
Beeuwkes-Buntin, Melinda, Damberg, Cheryl, Haviland, Amelia, Kapur, Kanika, Lurie, Nicole, McDevitt, Roland, Marquis, M. Susan. (2006). “Consumer-Directed Health Care: Early Evidence About Effects On Cost and Quality,” Health Affairs, 25(6):516-530.
Black, Dan, Haviland, Amelia, Sanders, Seth, Taylor, Lowell. (2006). “Why Do Minority Men Earn Less? A Study of Wage Differentials among the Highly Educated,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 88(2):300-313.
Haviland, Amelia M., Nagin, Daniel S. (2005). “Causal Inferences with Group Based Trajectory Models: A Gang Membership and Delinquent Violence Application,” Psychometrika, 70(3):557-578.