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Anna Mayo

Anna Mayo

Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior

Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior

Mayo’s research examines what characterizes and supports effective teamwork in modern organizations, where teamwork is made more difficult by the complex and dynamic team forms used relative to those in traditional settings (from individuals working on multiple teams at once, to the fleeting nature of some collaborations, to flux in team membership over time as schedules and task demands shift).

Mayo’s work both with teams in a behavioral lab and with health care, banking, and cross-sector teams has been published in leading management journals including Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Discoveries, and Organization Science, as well as medical journals including BMJ Leader.

Mayo received a Ph.D. and M.S. in Organizational Behavior & Theory from Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School of Business, and a B.A. in Psychology from Denison University. Before joining Heinz College, she worked as a postdoctoral fellow and Assistant Professor at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Prior to entering academia, Mayo worked in the nonprofit human services sector for the National Assembly Human Services.


Courses Taught

  • 94-700 - Organizational Design & Implementation
