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Acquire the Public Policy and Analytics Tools You Need to Make an Impact


Master of Science in Public Policy & Management (MSPPM)

Heinz College is a public policy school like no other. That’s because we're so much more than a policy school.

To tackle society’s most complex problems, you need a firm understanding of policy, but also the analytical foundations to create the right solutions—and the management prowess to deploy those solutions for maximum impact. The Master of Science in Public Policy & Management (MSPPM) program at Heinz College gives you skills that simply cannot be matched by any other school of public policy, school of management, or school offering purely technical training.msppm-float-right-3.jpg

Policy. Technology. Management. Heinz College is the only place to get all three.

Heinz skills you in these areas by expanding your education outside the confines of the classroom. Many of our classes feature a real-world component. Team-based Capstone projects challenge you to solve a problem for a government, nonprofit or business client. And only at Heinz can you find opportunities like the Policy Innovation Lab.

What is Public Policy and Management at CMU?

The Public Policy and Management program is available in four distinct pathways—our flagship two-year and three-semester programs in Pittsburgh, our award-winning Data Analytics program, and our Washington D.C. option for those seeking an immersion in policy analysis in our nation’s capital. Regardless of the path you choose, our MSPPM program builds well-rounded thinkers prepared to change the world at the nexus of people, policy, and technology. You will emerge a leader with the ability to analyze policy issues and implement solutions for a better world.

Internships, Impact, & Practical Experience

Our experiential learning opportunities will enrich your Heinz College experience. Look no further than Beleyou Kebede, who interned at the White House in the Office of the Vice President. "I am so thankful to the dedicated OVP staff and inspiring cohort of interns for making my experience so memorable," she said. "This transformative experience, working for the first Black Vice-President and incredible leader, Kamala Harris, has solidified my commitment to community-building and public service." Learn more about Beleyou's experience.

What Can I do with a master's in public policy?

  • Angling for a Solution to the World's Illegal Fishing Problem
  • Generative AI

Stories of Impact

Read our articles and stories about Heinz College's impact in public policy and policy analytics

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Some of the world’s greatest challenges that our faculty and students are working to solve include:

  • Modeling routes to place optimal charging stations for an all-electric bus fleet
  • Blocking the financing of terrorism and human trafficking
  • Removing barriers to employment opportunities for veterans
  • Predicting mental-health events before they occur to facilitate early interventions
  • Helping companies improve their environmental, social, and governance practices
  • Improving communications between health care providers and school nurses
  • Using large language models to help a policy think tank access Congressional information

Top-Ranked Programs

Heinz College Is The #1 Analytics Education Program And Has Been #1 in Information and Technology Management Since 2001


Leader in Innovation

Carnegie Mellon University is the birthplace of autonomous cars, AI, and technologies that are transforming society

Innovation at CMU

A Diverse, Inclusive Community

We are a truly global institution—our recent MSPPM classes have represented 21 different nations

Class Profile

Incomparable Outcomes

Our graduates are employed by government agencies, non-profits, and private firms in all key sectors of the economy


My Story: Maggie

Maggie Harger's Capstone project modeled the optimal placement of charging stations for Pittsburgh's electric buses of the future.

My Story: Stachal

Heinz College stood out to Stachal Harris because of its emphasis on not only social policy, but on data-driven solutions.

My Story: Clarissa

Clarissa Paz fell in love with Geographic Information Systems upon arriving at Heinz College and cherished the opportunity to work with Professor Kristen Kurland, a GIS expert.

  • Rayid Ghani
  • Amelia Haviland
  • Brian Kovak
  • Jonathan Caulkins

Trail-Blazing Faculty

Our faculty are innovators who solve emerging problems at the nexus of technology and society.

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Public Policy Pathways and Concentrations - What are my options?

Choose the experience and pathway to drive your mission:


Our flagship two-year public policy and management program

Our flagship two-year public policy and management program in Pittsburgh. The traditional two-year MSPPM experience offers you a challenging policy, management, and technical curriculum.

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An intensive public policy analytics curriculum, training you to turn raw data into solutions for society's most pressing problems (STEM)

This Pittsburgh-based program is our most quantitatively intensive MSPPM pathway. Solve complex policy issues with the leading edge in analytic skills. MSPPM: Data Analytics is a STEM-designated degree program.

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Experience that earns you a seat at the table, completing your second year while working in Washington, D.C.

For students with their sights set on public service roles in D.C. Spend the second year of your MSPPM living and working in our nation’s capital, building your network and mastering policy analysis.

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A faster, three-semester MSPPM path for experienced professionals

This Pittsburgh-based pathway includes most elements from our standard MSPPM: Pittsburgh program in a shortened three-semester format for students with significant work experience.

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Consider a Concentration:

Explore Your Options and Follow Your Passion

From AI Management to Environmental Policy to Health Care Policy and so much more

Certain Public Policy pathways allow you to focus on a specific concentration. While not required, concentrations allow you to truly become an expert in your field of concentrated study.

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Personalize Your Experience:

MSPPM Dual Degrees

Explore dual degree partnerships

Explore dual degree options with Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School of Business, University of Pittsburgh School of Law, and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.

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Accelerated Master’s Programs

Earn your bachelor's and MSPPM in five years instead of six

Students in undergraduate programs at Carnegie Mellon, Allegheny College, Bethany College, Chatham University, and Messiah College can earn their bachelor’s and MSPPM degrees together in five years instead of six.

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Exchange Programs

Spend a semester abroad in Italy, Mexico, or the Netherlands

The MSPPM program has exchange partnerships with the University of Bocconi School of Management (Milan), CIDE (Mexico City), and Delft University of Technology.

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Why should you get a masters in public policy from CMU?

Hands-On Learning, real-world impact

Our practical learning opportunities will enrich your Heinz College experience. Look no further than the GovScan team, who worked with a project lead in the federal government to develop a tool that helps researchers find the information they seek in a matter of seconds, not hours.

"The team took the time to really understand the challenges facing their partner and then created something that directly addressed the problem,” said Professor Chris Goranson, their faculty advisor. The students gained real-world experience by taking on a real-world challenge.

four students who created GovScan

GovScan team members, left to right: Tyler Faris, Eashwari Samant, Aakash Dolas, and Davis Craig

Nearly 95% of our Public policy program students receive aid

The Heinz College Public Policy program offers various scholarships - including merit-based awards and competitive fellowships - to help students finance their education. Students can access employment opportunities to further offset educational costs.

Heinz College commits millions of dollars annually toward financial support for our students. 

Affording My Public Policy Degree

Student raising hand to ask a question

Frequently Asked Questions

Didn't find what you were looking for on this page? Check out our Admissions Frequently Asked Questions page for additional information on any of the topics or processes outlined above.


What's Next?

Get all the details about applying to our public policy and management program, including:

  • application deadlines
  • scheduling a visit
  • attending an online info. session
  • connecting with a current student

Ready to apply? Check out our graduate application checklist now!