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Preparing for Your Professional Journey

Welcome to Heinz College! Your professional development is an important part of your time here. Employers and alumni begin on-campus recruiting for both internship and full-time opportunities early in the fall semester. Therefore, it's imperative for you to prepare for your job/internship search before arriving on campus.  

career academy and orientation

The Reidy Career Center offers two programs to spark your career journey before your first semester begins: Career Academy and Career Services Orientation. We strongly encourage you to take advantage of both opportunities. Career Academy is a series of online modules focusing on key professional development topics. Career Services Orientation is an interactive two-day deep-dive, where you get to meet our staff and kick-off your professional journey at Heinz College!

Career Academy


Career Academy will take you through a full spectrum of career and professional development exercises including:

  • Learning about resources and services provided to you by the Reidy Career Center
  • Navigating Handshake 
  • Tailoring your resume and crafting targeted cover letters
  • Customizing your LinkedIn profile
  • Exploring career paths within your designated program
  • Discovering how to be an ideal candidate
Let's get started!

Reidy Career Center Orientation: Passport to Success

During the following dates, orientation will occur for your specific program. Some of the topics will include customizing your career, exploring workplace professionalism, as well as hearing from alumni. 

Note Please bring your laptop to the sessions

Tuesday August 20, 2024, from 1:30pm-5:00pm at Hamburg Hall: MISM & BIDA

Wednesday August 21, 2024, from 1:30pm-5:00pm at Hamburg Hall: PPM, DC, DA, HCA, ISPM, MAM & MEIM 


Reidy Career Center faqs

Many incoming students to Heinz College have the same questions.  We've provided answers to some of the most common questions below.  If you have a question that isn't covered by our FAQ guide, feel free to email us at