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Co-citation is a semantic similarity measure for documents that makes use of citation relationships. Co-citation is defined as the frequency with which two documents are cited together by other documents [1].

In this co-citation network, each node represents one of Dr. Krackhardt's articles, and each link represents the co-citation relationship between the two articles, and the property of the network reflects the detailed information

  • Node color: publish year of the article. The older the articls is, the bluer the nodes gets, and the more latest the article is, the reder the nodes gets.
  • Node size: times the article has been cited. The more times the article has been cited, the larger the nodes gets.
  • Node distance: times of co-citation between articles. The more times the articles has been co-cited, the longer the distance between two nodes gets.
  • Link width/opacity: times of co-citation between articles. The more times the articles has been co-cited, the wider/darker the links gets.

User Guide

  • Hover over a node to see the detailed information of the article.
  • Drag node to see how dynamic changes.
  • Click on a node to see its detailed information and relationship with other articles.
  • Click on the selected node again to go back to the original graph.